Actress Shriya Pilgaonkar, who is known for ‘Mirzapur’ and ‘The Broken News’, is a proud ‘Marathi Mulgi’. On the occasion of Maharashtra Day on Wednesday, the actress shared that the beauty of the state lies in its culture and traditions.
The actress, who is busy shooting a project — the details of which are currently under wraps, spoke with IANS on Wednesday.
She told IANS, “On the occasion of Maharashtra Divas, I would like to share that I am so grateful to be born in this wonderful state which has such a rich cultural history and heritage. Some of the most prominent philosophers, poets, saints, (and) so much art, culture and literature have come out of Maharashtra. I am extremely proud of the language, culture and the diversity of Maharashtra and I would like to wish everybody ‘Maharashtra Dina Cha Khub Khub Shubheccha’ (Happy Maharashtra Day)”.
She further mentioned, “The beauty of Maharashtra has always been its culture and traditions. My parents have over the years contributed to the incredible Marathi Film Industry… I am grateful to this land for giving me my livelihood… I hope to do my bit to keep the culture of Maharashtra alive”.
The actress will be soon seen in the upcoming 2nd season of ‘The Broken News’.