Actor Shah Rukh Khan, along with his wife Gauri Khan and daughter Suhana Khan, paid their respects to filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan following the death of her mother, Menaka Irani. The Khan family visited Farah’s home on Friday evening. Shah Rukh was dressed in a white shirt and denims, carrying a bag, while Gauri wore a green and white outfit, and Suhana opted for a black sweatshirt and trousers.
Also read: Farah Khan’s mother Menaka Irani passes away after ‘multiple surgeries’ at the age of 79
Videos and pictures of their visit surfaced on social media, showing Shah Rukh, Gauri, and Suhana arriving at Farah’s home. In another clip, Shah Rukh and Gauri were seen leaving with Farah, with Shah Rukh hugging Farah and blowing her a kiss before they departed in separate cars. Shah Rukh’s manager, Pooja Dadlani, also accompanied them.
Earlier that day, celebrities such as Rani Mukerji, Shilpa Shetty, Bhushan Kumar, and MC Stan had visited Farah’s house to offer their condolences. Farah and her brother Sajid Khan’s mother passed away at the age of 79, shortly after Farah had shared on Instagram that her mother had undergone multiple surgeries.
Recently, on her mother’s birthday, Farah Khan shared a heartfelt post on Instagram expressing her admiration and love for her mother, Menaka Irani. She wrote:” This last month has been a revelation on how much I love my mom Menka.. she’s been the strongest, bravest person I’ve ever seen.. sense of humour intact even after multiple surgeries. Happy birthday mom! Today’s a good day to come back home can’t wait for you to get strong enough to start fighting with me again.. I love you.”
This message highlighted Farah’s deep affection and respect for her mother, emphasizing her strength and resilience even in the face of health challenges.