The official teaser for James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy has already created a significant stir on the internet, particularly in reference to Guy Gardner, the character played by Nathan Fillion. Filled with a bowl-cut hairstyle and holding the signature Green Lantern ring, Fillion’s take on the character seems to bring mixed reactions among fans.
On one hand, many viewers are thrilled with Fillion’s portrayal, especially as it closely aligns with the comic book version of Guy Gardner. Comments like, “He looks the part and that makes me feel rather hopeful” and “I’m just really happy to see DC putting faith in the Lanterns again” reflect this enthusiasm. In fact, a number of the fan group do look forward to fire constructs, which refers to glowing green beams that they were shown in the teaser trailer.
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Not all reactions have been positive, however. A few fans expressed their dislike for the bowl-cut, with one user noting, “I don’t like the bowl cut,” while another expressed a preference for a more modern look for Guy Gardner’s costume. Despite the mixed opinions on the hair, many still agree that Fillion’s casting and overall attitude fit the character, with one fan commenting, “He looks like a massive dork. I love it.”
James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy is scheduled to be released on July 11, 2025, and will mark a new era for the DC Universe, with new faces and new approaches to familiar characters. The trailer has already set the stage for a lively conversation about the future direction of the franchise.