Surbhi Chandna and Kunal Jaisingh have reunited to delight their fans once again, this time for the music video Zikr Tera. The song, released on August 8 on the Feel Good Originals YouTube Channel, has garnered a lot of love from fans, who are thrilled to see the two Ishqbaaz stars back together. The pair recently celebrated the song’s success by enjoying some spicy street food in the city, where they were spotted by the paparazzi.
Surbhi expressed her gratitude for the overwhelming response, particularly acknowledging the media for their support. She said, “Thank you for the love. Sabse Zyada humari media hume itna pyaar de rahi hai.” Kunal echoed her sentiments, sharing how overwhelmed they were by the love they’ve received.
In an interview with Etimes, Kunal shared insights into the making of the video, which was shot in the beautiful locales of Doodhpathri and Srinagar in Jammu & Kashmir. He expressed his happiness about reuniting with Surbhi, who he considers a close friend. Reflecting on their journey since Ishqbaaz, Kunal said, “Ishqbaaz was a turning point in our lives. The show not only made us audience favorites but also gifted us lifetime friends. Our friendship remains unchanged even after eight years.”
Kunal, who played Omkara Singh Oberoi in Ishqbaaz, shared the screen with Surbhi, who portrayed his sister-in-law, Anika, in the show. Their chemistry and bond from the show have clearly carried over into their latest collaboration.
Both actors have made significant strides in their careers since Ishqbaaz. Kunal has gained popularity through roles in shows like Durga Aur Charu, Muskuraane Ki Vajah Tum Ho, Kyun Utthe Dil Chhod Aaye, and Pavitra Bhagya. Surbhi, on the other hand, is well-known for her performances in Qubool Hai, Sanjivani, Naagin 5, and was last seen in Sherdil Shergill opposite Dheeraj Dhoopar. Fans are undoubtedly excited to see what they will bring to their new project, Zikr Tera.