Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya, who is recovering from a fractured forearm, on Saturday, shared how her husband has invented a new song for her “get well soon cakes.”
The ‘Yeh Hai Mohabbatein’ fame actress took to Instagram, and shared a reel video, wherein we can see her wearing a white and black chikankari kurta and is cutting a chocolate cake in her residence.
She is heard saying in the video, ‘baar baar ye din aaye bhi nahi bol sakte’. Then her husband Vivek Dahiya can be seen singing: “kabhi na ye din aaye, jo haddiyan tudai hain, dubara mat tudana.”
The video ends with Divyanka happily saying: “I am a titanium girl!”
The post is captioned: “(prohibited emoji) Baar baar yeh din aaye (prohibited emoji) Newly invented song for ‘get well soon cakes’. #friendslikefamily #getwellsong.”
She is currently seen in ‘Adrishyam’ as Inspector Parvati Sehgal. It stars Eijaz Khan as Ravi Verma.
The show is streaming on Sony LIV.