Akshay Kumar recently shared a delightful video on Instagram, featuring a dance reunion with his Heyy Babyy co-stars, Riteish Deshmukh and Fardeen Khan. The trio first danced to the title track of their 2007 hit film Heyy Babyy, followed by the catchy tune of Hauli Hauli from Akshay’s upcoming film Khel Khel Mein. Akshay captioned the post, “When Heyy Babyy meets Hauli Hauli 😉 We had a blast doing this khel khel mein, now you guys create your reels with your friends on #HauliHauli, share with us and we’ll reshare the best ones. Khel Khel Mein releasing in cinemas on 15th August, 2024.”
Fans reacted enthusiastically, with comments like “Akshay paji in comedy mode” and “Best collab of the year,” highlighting their excitement for both the nostalgic reunion and the new film.
Akshay Kumar and Fardeen Khan Reunite After 17 Years in Sajid Nadiadwala’s Housefull 5
The original film Heyy Babyy, directed by Sajid Khan, centered on three playboy friends whose lives change when a baby girl is left at their doorstep. It starred Akshay Kumar, Riteish Deshmukh, Fardeen Khan, and Vidya Balan, with cameos by Boman Irani, Anupam Kher, and Shah Rukh Khan. The film was a commercial success and remains a beloved comedy since its release on August 24, 2007.
Khel Khel Mein, reuniting Akshay Kumar and Taapsee Pannu, is a dramedy about friendships and secrets, departing from their previous collaborations in spy thrillers and inspirational dramas. The ensemble cast includes Fardeen Khan, Ammy Virk, Aditya Seal, and Pragya Jaiswal, with Fardeen reuniting with Akshay after Heyy Babyy. Directed by Mudassar Aziz and co-written with Sara Bodinar, the film is produced by Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series.
The film’s trailer, released by Akshay, hints at a plot involving a revealing game where characters make all their phones public for the evening, stirring comedic and dramatic tension. It features Akshay’s character checking out women online while married to Vaani Kapoor’s character, who proposes the game, suggesting deeper secrets among the friends. The trailer utilizes comedic sound effects and stereotypes, adding to the intrigue and humor.
The premise of Khel Khel Mein is reminiscent of the 2018 Netflix movie Nothing to Hide, inspired by an older Italian film. As anticipation builds for its release on August 15, 2024, fans are eager to see Akshay Kumar and his co-stars in this new venture. The unique plot, combined with the cast’s chemistry and Heyy Babyy nostalgia, promises a memorable cinematic experience.