Following the success of their last show, Aakhri Sach, which explored the high-profile Burari deaths, Preeti Simoes has announced a new collaboration with Karan Johar’s Dharmatic Entertainmen. This upcoming web series will be based on another intriguing real-life case, as revealed by Simoes on her Instagram. The announcement has generated significant excitement among fans and industry insiders alike.
While specifics of the case and full cast details remain undisclosed, The Times of India has revealed that Tamannah Bhatia is set to be part of the series. This casting news has piqued the interest of many.
Tamannah Bhatia is currently working on another web series with Dharmatic Entertainment, further adding to her impressive portfolio. Her involvement in this new thriller is highly anticipated by fans who are excited to see her in a new real-life drama.
The anticipation for this new series is building, as it promises to present an engaging narrative based on real events. This is going to be exciting to watch, especially from Karan Johar, who is known for making Glossy Shows.
This real drama is expected to be very realistic, making it an exciting new venture for him. It will be interesting to see how Dharmatic turns out with this one. Fans and industry watchers are keen to see how this collaboration will unfold and what new dimensions it will bring to the genre of real-life dramas.