Actor Vijay Varma, who has started the shooting for his next project ‘Ul Jalool Ishq’ in Amritsar, Punjab, visited the Golden Temple to seek blessings, and his girlfriend Tamannaah Bhatia has a ‘sweet’ compliment for her beau. The movie stars Vijay, alongside Fatima Sana Shaikh, and Naseeruddin Shah. It is written and directed by Vibhu Puri.
Sharing glimpses from his Golden Temple visit on Instagram, Vijay penned a note which read as: “New beginnings need a lot of blessings. Our story brought us to Amritsar and gave us the opportunity to bow down at the majestic Golden Temple… 2024 started with a prayer, love and poetry for us Ul Jalool Ishq.”
In the photos, we can see the ‘Darlings’ actor wearing a grey hoodie, and black joggers. He is sporting a moustache, while he smiles for the cameras.
Tamannaah took to the comment section and wrote: “Soooooooo sweet”, followed by red heart emojis.
Sharib Hashmi, who is also the part of the movie ‘Ul Jalool Ishq’, commented: “Dherr saara pyaar n duayein”.
On January 9, Manish Malhotra, the producer of the film, had shared the picture of a clapboard that marked the beginning of the shoot, and had written: “The beginning of our emotional and love journey #UlJaloolIshq”.
In September, 2023, Manish had announced the launch of his own production house named ‘Stage 5 Production’.
On the work front, Vijay next has ‘Murder Mubarak’, ‘Suriya 43’.