Actors Nora Fatehi is currently shooting in Azerbaijan for their upcoming film ‘Crakk – Jeethegaa Toh Jiyegaa’ starring Vidyut Jammwal. Nora took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a string of glimpses from the shoot. In one video, Nora is heard saying: “Day 1 of shooting in Baku. It’s a night shoot and we are onset and Baku’s looking so cute. It’s a cute quiet place. We are going to Vlog this as much as we can without getting into trouble.”
In the other clip, the actress was seen sitting in a cafe sipping on some warm black tea with a colleague.
“We are having black tea but we just ran away from the set. Hope they are not looking for us,” she said.
In another clip, she was seen vlogging about her shoot schedule and said: “I am trying to document this. Day 2 in Azerbaijan in Baku and we are out here…We are very much shooting.”
‘Crakk – Jeetega toh Jiyega’ is an adrenaline rushing extreme sports film, directed by Aditya Dutt, is based on two brothers who are set to perform daring stunts mixed with extreme sports to win. It is written by Sarim Momin and Rehan Khan. It also stars Arjun Rampal.